cooke city

Avalanche safety
equipment rentals

Cooke City Sinclair has a fleet of Avalanche Safety equipment for rent or sale.

We carry Mammut Avalanche Safety gear and the following is a list of the items we have available for rent at our store:

  • Mammut Barryvox Beacon $15 per day
  • Mammut 280CM Avalanche Probe $5 per day
  • Mammut Avalanche Shovel $5 per day
  • Beacon Probe and Shovel package $25 per day
  • Beacon, Probe, Shovel with backpack $30 per day
  • Mammut Airbag Backpack $25 per day
  • Mammut Airbag Backpack w/ beacon, probe and shovel $45 per day
  • Rocky Talkie Mountain Radios $10 per day
Please use the form below to reserve your gear. For questions of more information contact Ben at 406-539-1478 or [email protected].

Safety gear rental form

Avalanche safety gear is required with all snowmobile rentals. If more then one set is required please let us know in the notes. We will confirm availability upon receiving the form. Pick-up in the AM of the rental, return before store closes on last day.